When Does Your Bunny Need To Go To The Animal Hospital?

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Caring for Pets Every Day

After carefully considering what my children needed out of their everyday lives, I thought that it made more sense to add a pet along with some of our other items. I wanted to create a great way for them to learn responsibility and daily work, and incorporating some pets really helped to accomplish those goals. We got a bearded dragon lizard, and it was really fun to watch how the kids reacted with it. They loved playing with it each and every day, and I was super happy to see how much they were growing through the process. Check out this blog for tips on how to take care of pets.


When Does Your Bunny Need To Go To The Animal Hospital?

27 October 2021
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

Since rabbits tend to live in cages, sometimes their owners assume they don't need veterinary care in the same way as cats and dogs. But this is not the case. Sometimes, bunnies do become ill and require professional care from a vet. Here are the key signs you need to take your bunny to the animal hospital.

Maggots on their skin.

If you see maggots on your rabbit's skin, this is not just a minor annoyance. It is a major health emergency. Your rabbit is suffering from a condition called flystrike. Those maggots are the larvae of flies, and if you don't act quickly, they will eat your rabbit's skin, leading to extreme pain and death. A vet can properly remove the maggots and, if needed, prescribe antibiotics to prevent subsequent infection.

Loss of appetite.

The food that bunnies eat — hay, vegetables, and even rabbit pellets — is fairly low in calories. As such, rabbits need to eat a large amount of food to satisfy their nutritional needs. So, a rabbit won't avoid eating for long. If your rabbit seems to have lost their appetite, something is wrong. They may have a respiratory infection or a digestive ailment. It's important to have the vet take a look, and probably administer fluids before your rabbit becomes dehydrated and their condition declines even further.

Nasal discharge.

Nasal discharge is often accompanied by sneezing and sniffling in rabbits. When your rabbit displays these symptoms, they're almost always ill with an infection called the snuffles. It's caused by a specific type of bacteria called Pasteurella. Your bunny needs specialized antibiotics, and perhaps also fluids, in order to recover. The snuffles can lead to pneumonia if left unaddressed, and pneumonia is deadly. So, take your bunny to the animal hospital sooner, rather than later, for symptoms resembling the snuffles.

Irritated eyes.

If your bunny's eyes look red, swollen, or unable to be opened, they could have an eye infection or an eye injury. Either need to be treated ASAP or else your bunny might lose its eye. A good rule of thumb is that eye problems should always be treated as emergencies — in any animal. 

Bunnies need to see the vet, too. Not all animal hospitals will care for bunnies, so call around to the ones in your area to see who does. This way, you'll know where to take your pet when there's an issue.